Monday, December 20, 2010

Specialised Application Software

Audio Editing Software

Audio Editing Software is all programs that include play, record, cut, copy, paste and so on; this rating goes beyond the basic editing tools to include tools such as equalizers, processors, mixers, preset effects, filters as well as analyzing tools like the waveform or spectrogram.

Bitmap Image

A bitmap or pixmap is a type of memory organization or image file format used to store digital images. The term bitmap comes from the computer programming terminology, meaning just a map of bits, a spatially mapped array of bits. Now, along with pixmap, it commonly refers to the similar concept of a spatially mapped array of pixels. Raster images in general may be referred to as bitmaps or pixmaps, whether synthetic or photographic, in files or memory.

HTML Editor

An HTML Editor is a software application for creating web pages. Although the HTML markup of a web page can be written with any text editor, specialized HTML editors can offer convenience and added functionality. For example, many HTML editors work not only with HTML, but also with related technologies such as CSS, XML and Javascript.


Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content forms. Multimedia includes a combination of text, audio, still images, animation, video, and interactivity content forms. Multimedia is usually recorded and played, displayed or accessed by information content processing devices, such as computerized and electronic devices, but can also be part of a live performance.

Vector Image

Vector images is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves, and shapes or polygons, which are all based on mathematical equations, to represent images in computer graphics. Web AuthoringVector graphics formats are complementary to raster graphics, which is the representation of images as an array of pixel, as is typically used for the representation of photographic images.

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